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EvoMx Fuel Tank Anti Slosh Foam

$64.95 $57.95
(You save $7.00)

EvoMx Fuel Tank Anti Slosh Foam

$64.95 $57.95
(You save $7.00)
1.00 LBS
Calculated at checkout

Product Description

The key to EvoMx foam is its thousands of pores. The pores are what eliminate the sudden and violent sloshing of fuel within the tank which is most often caused by  tight turns, breaking bumps, and large jumps where your 12-15 lbs of fuel can feel more like 25-30 lbs of fuel dynamically altering the motorcycles center of gravity. EvoMx foam stabilizes the fuel in your gas tank thereby allowing you to maneuver your vehicle as if it were 15-20 lbs lighter.

Best of all is the fact that EvoMx foam is so porous that is only takes up 1% of the volume of the tank thus allowing you to maintain essentially the same volume of gas.  EvoMx foam has a 30 year life span and Power-Barn No Hassle Guarantee.

The 2.5-4.0 gallon kit is sufficient for fuel tanks ranging in size from 2.5 gallons to 4.0 gallons.  The 4.1-5.0 gallon kit is sufficient for fuel tanks ranging in size from 4.1 gallons to 5.0 gallons.  Make your selection above now before adding to your cart.

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