Yamaha XT600 OEM Carburetor Rebuild Kit 1984-1989
Product Description
These very high quality Yamaha carburetor rebuild kits from K&L are made by Japanese OEM's and contain all the necessary components to rebuild one carburetor. They work on the 1984-1989 Yamaha XT600 original equipment carburetors. All kits include the following components:
- Top cover gasket
- Float bowl o-ring
- Float valve seat
- Float valve seat o-ring
- Float valve needle
- Other o-rings as pictured
These are the exact same replacement parts made for the OEM's in Japan but at a fraction of the cost.
These very high quality Yamaha carburetor rebuild kits from K&L are made by Japanese OEM's and contain all the necessary components to rebuild one carburetor. Includes gaskets, o-rings, float valve assembly or float valve needle, and the applicable jetting. These are the exact same replacement parts made for the OEM's in Japan but at a fraction of the cost. - See more at: https://power-barn.com/servlet/the-1172/K%26L-Carburetor-Rebuild-Kits/Detail#sthash.eZKGQImp.dpuf